1. Don't Get "Pre-Qualified!" Get "Pre-Approved"
Do you
want to get the best house you can for the least amount of money? Then
make sure you are in the strongest negotiating position possible. Price is
only one bargaining chip in the negotiations, and not necessarily the most
important one. Often other terms, such as the strength of the buyer or the
length of escrow, are critical to a seller. In years past, we always
recommended that buyers get "pre-qualified" by a lender. This means that
you spend a few minutes on the phone with a lender who asks you a few
questions. Based on the answers, the lender pronounces you "pre-qualified"
and issues a certificate that you can show to a seller. Sellers are aware
that such certificates are WORTHLESS, and here's why! None of the
information has been verified! Unknown problems can surface for example:
recorded judgments, child support payments due, glitches on the credit
report (due to any number of reasons both accurately and inaccurately),
down payment funds that have not been in the clients' bank account long
enough, etc. So the way to make a strong offer today is to get
"pre-approved". This happens AFTER all information has been checked and
verified. You are actually APPROVED for the loan and the only loose end is
the appraisal on the property. This process takes anywhere from a few days
to a few weeks depending on your situation. It's VERY POWERFUL and a
weapon we recommend all of our clients have in their negotiating
2. Sell First, Then Buy
If you have a house
to sell, sell it before selecting a house to buy! Let's pretend that we go
out looking for the perfect house for you. We find it and you love it! Now
you have to go make an offer to the seller. You want the seller to reduce
the price and wait until you sell your house. The seller figures that's a
risky deal, since he might pass up a buyer who DOESN'T have to sell a
house while he's waiting for you. So he says OK, he'll do the contingency
but it has to be a full price offer! So you see, you paid more for the
house than you could have because of the contingency. Now you have to sell
your existing house, and in a hurry! Otherwise you lose the dream house!
So to sell quickly you might take an offer that's lower than if you had
more time. The bottom line is that buying before selling might cost you
TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. We always recommend that you sell first,
then buy. If you're concerned that there is not a house on the market for
you, then go on a window-shopping trip. You can identify possible houses
and locations without falling in love with a specific house. If you feel
confident after that then put your house on the market. Another tactic is
to make the sale "subject to seller finding suitable housing". Adding this
phrase to a contract means that WHEN YOU DO FIND A BUYER, you will have
some time to find the new place. If you don't find anything to your
liking, you don't have to sell your present home.
3. Play the
Game of Nines
Before house hunting, make a list of nine things
you want in the new place. Then make a list of the nine things you don't
want. We call this "NINE OF THIS AND NONE OF THAT". You can use this list
as a scorecard to rate each property that you see. The one with the
biggest score wins! This helps avoid confusion and keeps things in
perspective when you're comparing dozens of homes. When house hunting,
keep in mind the difference between "SKIN AND BONES". The BONES are things
that cannot be changed such as the location, view, size of lot, noise in
the area, school district, and floor plan. The SKIN represents easily
changed surface finishes like carpet, wallpaper, color, and window
coverings. Buy the house with good BONES, because the SKIN can always be
changed to match your tastes. I always recommend that you imagine each
house as if it were vacant. Consider each house on its underlying merits,
not the seller's decorating skills.
4. Don't Be Pushed Into Any
Your agent should show you everything available that
meets your requirements. Don't make a decision on a house until you feel
that you've seen enough to pick the best one. Review the Multiple Listing
printout with your agent to make sure that you are getting a COMPLETE
list. But don't over shop the market. Over the last ten years, homes have
been selling quickly, usually a few days
after listing. In this kind of market, you may be advised to
make an offer ON THE SPOT if you like the house. If it feels right, it
probably is. Don't forget to check
into the SCHOOL DISTRICTS of the area you're considering. Information is
available on every school; such as class sizes, % of students that go on
to college, SAT scores, etc. You can get this information from your agent
or directly from the school.
5. Stop Calling Ads!
word of caution - agents create ads solely to make the phone ring! Many of
the homes have some drawback that's not mentioned in the ad, such as
traffic noise, power lines, or litigation in the community. What's not
mentioned in the ad is usually more important than what is. For this
reason, we want you to be very careful when reading ads. Remember that the
person writing the ad is representing the seller and not you! The most
important thing you can do is have someone on your side looking out for
your best interests. Your own agent will critique the property with an eye
towards how well it meets your needs and will point out any drawbacks you
should know about. So whether you decide to work with us or not, pick an
agent you feel comfortable with and enlist the services of that agent as a
buyer's broker. Then you become a client with all the rights, benefits,
and privileges created by this agency relationship, and you're no longer
just a shopper. Did you know that many homes are sold WITHOUT A SIGN ever
going up or an AD EVER BEING PUT IN THE PAPER? These "great deals" go to
those people who are committed to working with one agent. When an agent
hears of a great buy, who do you think he's going to call? His client, who
he has a legal obligation to work hard for, or someone who just called on
the phone and said "keep your eyes open"? So, to get the best buy on a
property, we always recommend that you hire your own agent and stick with
For more information contact The Korn Team at 816-224-KORN (5676) or email us
at bradkorn@realtor.com
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