Moving from one house to another is seldom easy and fun for adults and
it can be especially troubling for the children. But if parents deal with
their children's concerns and needs thoughtfully, much of that distress
and discomfort can be avoided. Children see moves differently than their
parent's do, and they benefit much less from the change in their
comfortable routines, or so it seems at the time. Most often, a change in
houses or communities heralds an important step forward for the adult
members of the family. The family moves because Daddy or Mommy has a great
new job or a promotion in reward for years of hard work. They move because
financial success has allowed the purchase of a bigger and nicer house in
a more costly neighborhood. They move because they can finally afford
private bedrooms for each child and perhaps a pool in the back yard. In
the 1990's, mobile and hard striving people typically live in a house for
about four years and then move on as their careers or fortunes allow. That
short time span is only a small percentage of the life-to-date for a 30 or
40 year old, but the same four years is half the life-time of an 8 year
old, and it includes almost all the years he or she can remember. To a
parent, this house may be only the place they have lived recently. They
think of it as a way station on the road of life. To kids, however, it may
be the only home they have ever really known. This is their house, the
place they feel safe and comfortable and thoroughly at home. A house is
much more than a roof and walls to a child. It is the center of his or her
world. A move threatens to take that sphere away and leave something
totally strange in its place. The familiar friends, schools, shops and
heaters, the streets, trees and parks - all will no longer exist for them.
Everything soon will be strange, and they will live in someone else's
world. The impact of a move on a typical child starts about the time he or
she first hears that Daddy has accepted a promotion, and often continues
for about a year, until the new house becomes home, and memories of the
previous place fade. It's not usually necessary to announce this big
change to children immediately, although they must hear about it from you
before someone else breaks the news. Most teenagers see themselves as
adult members of the family, and will probably feel they have been left
out if they don't hear everything from the first day. But it is probably
not a good idea to tell toddlers and preschoolers until they have to know.
There is no point in making them worry far in advance. Be sure to announce
the move in a totally positive way. You might say how proud you are that
Daddy's company has chosen him out of many other employees to manage a new
office in Cleveland. Talk about what a beautiful city Cleveland is, how
good the schools are and how nice the people are.
Tell truthful but
very positive stories about how nice the new house will be. Ask them what
the favorite things are in their lives now, and then try to make them
happen in the new home. If the new home is too far away to allow a visit
by the entire family after it has been selected, show the children
pictures of it from every angle. Videotape it, if you can. Emphasize the
positive views and be sure to include pictures of each child's new room.
Try to name the house with some romantic description like "Oak Hill" for
the big trees and the sloping lawn. Sugar coating will help, but since
children can quickly see the negative sides of most situations, every
parent must plan to deal with their children's worries, fears and sorrows.
The children will lose friends they may have known all their lives. They
will leave behind their sports teams, their clubs and their dancing
teachers. They will have to start over in a new place, making friends,
becoming accepted and fitting into different groups.
children need protection from fear of the unknown. Listen carefully to
their concerns, and respond quickly to allay their apprehensions. It would
be normal, for instance, for a young child to worry that his or her toy
box and shelf of stuffed animals might be left behind. Find those
anxieties and correct them. Probably the best tactic is to get the
children actively involved in the whole process. Don't just promise to let
them decorate their own rooms, for example. Take them to the paint store
and let them bring home color swatches. Shop for bed spreads and towels
and carpets. They must leave old friends behind, so find ways to make that
parting almost pleasant. Plan a going-away party and let them invite their
own guests. Take pictures of everyone and make a photo album. If a child
is old enough, send him or her out with a roll of film in the camera and
the assignment to photograph the views they will want to
Some relationships will be extremely difficult to break
and these will Demand careful, thoughtful, personalized planning by
both parents. How, for instance, do you move a 17-year-old 1,000 miles
from her steady boyfriend? Expect that your children may be even more
distressed after the move than they were before it. The new house will not
be beautiful the night after the moving van leaves, or for months after.
The furniture won't fit the rooms. The curtains won't be up, and every
spot on the floor will be covered with half-unpacked cartons. The children
won't know anyone at school and, if you move during the summer, they may
have little opportunity to meet anyone their age. You may be faced with
many more problems in your new community that they will, but remember that
you can handle them more easily than they can. They will need your help,
and you should plan to give them the support they need.
After the
move, give each of them a long distance telephone call allowance so they
can keep in touch with the people back home who matter the most to them.
Buy a stack of picture postcards that show positive views of your new
community, and encourage them to write good news messages to the friends
and relatives they left behind. To make new friends, make sure the
children don't vegetate in front of the television. Get them outside,
where neighbors pass by. Have them pass out fliers to do baby-sitting or
car washing. Encourage them to participate in as many school activities as
they can handle. Get them on sports teams and into clubs. If they - and
you - aren't making new friends fast enough, throw a housewarming party
for yourselves and invite all the adults and children on the
If serious emotional or attitudinal problems arise, however,
help is usually available and probably should be sought. Ask a teacher for
help. Consider professional counseling. Don't let a serious problem slide.
Remember that the newness will wear off. New friends will become old
friends and best friends. This new house may become the family homestead
your grandchildren will visit every holiday season. There will be
discomforts, but in the long run, everything will work out fine.
For more information or to check out our video for moving with
children, contact The Korn Team at 816-224-KORN (5676) or email us at
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