When It's Time To Sell Your Home, You Want To Get As Much Money As
Possible, As Quickly As Possible. This Special Report Will Tell You How To
Do Both!
Dear Homeowner, For many people, selling a
home entails a mixture of sadness, fear, relief, and excitement. You may
have all kinds of mixed emotions. You have very personal, very deep
feelings about the value of your home. You know how much you've put into
the care and upkeep, decorating and improvement of the property. It's only
natural that you want prospective buyers to agree with you.
Whether you decide to sell your home yourself, or hire a real estate
professional to get the job done for you, there is not room for guesswork
The "old fashioned" ways of selling a home that worked back in the 70's
and 80's can stall out… or worse… rob you of profits that are rightfully
yours. Getting the highest price for your home today involves a thorough
knowledge of the market, so you must negotiate carefully in your favor.
The "right" knowledge is absolutely essential.
Following Are Costly Mistakes Many Sellers Make That Can Add Up To
Thousands Of Dollars Being Lost Unknowingly When You Sell Your Home… Or
Cause It To Not Sell At All
- Not obtaining a "total picture" of the entire market before you
start to sell.
- Not getting accurate information about how long it will actually
take to get your home sold.
- Not understanding the huge difference between "Total Market
Inventory" and your local neighborhood and particular style of
- Using a standard comparative market analysis of similar style
properties to set the sale price of your home.
- Not understanding the five-step sequence of how buyers really buy
- Paying for ineffective advertising.
- Not knowing the simple steps of how to prepare your home to look
(and feel) like a "model home" so that it has the highest probability of
attracting immediate interest (and top dollar) from buyers.
- Not insisting that interviewing agents verify their pricing
recommendations for your home.
- Letting a real estate company "buy your listing" with a temporarily
inflated sales price.
- Not setting up bridge financing if you are on a time
- Not fully evaluating whether you should sell your home yourself! (It
might be to your advantage to sell your home yourself.)
You Have A Right To Hear The Facts
When it comes to selling your home, you should be the one who decides
what is in your best interest:
- Whether you should sell your home yourself.
- Whether to hire a real estate professional to handle the sale for
you at a cost of 7% to 8% commission.
- Whether to hire a consultant to put your home on the Multiple
Listing Service and give you advice for under $1500 total.
Gone are the easy money days of the 70's and 80's when anybody could
buy and sell a house by just listing it on the market. Selling any home
today involves greater focus, more financial precision and marketing
smarts because buyers are much more discriminating about what they
Getting The Highest Price For Your Home Today Involves A Systematic
Today's buyers have a tremendous number of homes from which they can
choose. Even if you don't have to sell, you're forced to compete with
other sellers who do have to sell, and are willing to cut their price to
get a sale.
When buyers are as nervous as they are these days about the economy,
every buyer counts! There is a systematic, eight-step system that gets
There are eight financial and marketing steps in the home selling
process that you should thoroughly understand... whether you decide to
sell your home yourself or hire a real estate professional to do it for
you. This eight-step system is what's needed today to get your home sold
for the highest price... on time... without hype or hassle!
The 8 Critical Steps Of Effective Home Marketing:
- Understanding "Total Market" conditions (not just your immediate
- Accurately appraising your home's value (not just an old Comparative
Market Analysis).
- Setting the right price for your home (by setting the right price
range first).
- Calculating your bottom-line net profit (using offer price, not list
- Advertising and marketing your home (not with same old, boring ads
everyone else uses).
- Preparing your home for sale. (Knowing how to make buyers instantly
attracted. )
- Qualifying buyers and negotiating contract offers (to get your
- Getting financing and closing your sale. (Avoid costly mistakes that
can derail your sale.)
By systematically executing these steps, you will get better results.
When you decide to sell your home yourself or hire a real estate agent,
you should definitely expect detailed information and straight answers,
not "sales talk" or hype that convinces you into going with the company or
agent who simply says they're the biggest, or the best, or whatever, to
get your business.
Your home is one of your biggest financial and emotional investments.
You should not expect to leave any element to guesswork or chance.
Selling Your Home Systematically Makes A Big Difference For Your
Peace Of Mind
Real estate agent Brad Korn gave Charlie and Donna a big hug as they
left the closing room at the title company.
Charlie and Donna were as excited as two kids getting a favorite toy
for their birthday. This was the moment they had been waiting for. The day
when they would be able to move into a brand new home in a beautiful area
that had the best schools and was just minutes away from where they both
Donna and Charlie couldn't have been happier. And, the best part was
that they made the decision to move and sold their previous home, all in
the course of one month! Even they were shocked at how fast the house
sold, especially when compared to how many homes were listed for sale in
their area and how long many of them had been sitting.
Before choosing an agent to sell their house, Donna and Charlie decided
to interview several Real Estate Agents. (They toyed with the idea of
selling it themselves, but decided to talk to some real estate agents
first, "to see what they had to say.")
The first four agents that came over all sounded like a broken record.
They all said the same old things like...
- "We're the biggest company."
- "We sell more homes in your area than anyone."
- "I'll work harder for you than anyone else."
- "We have the most aggressive marketing plan in the world."
- "No one has more resources than we do, to sell your home
- "I'm the top agent in the area."
And on, and on, and on... Donna and Charlie were less than
impressed! When Brad came over, he told them that he was going to
show them an eight-step sequence on how to sell their home quickly, at the
highest price the market would pay. And, he said that these eight steps
could be done by him or them, if they chose to sell the house
Donna And Charlie Almost Fell Over!
real estate agent teaching them how to sell their home themselves! Donna
and Charlie tried it themselves for a few weeks, with Brad's help.
Eventually, they listed the house with Brad. Within
three weeks, they were the happy recipients of a signed and accepted
contract on the property.
Here's What Donna And Charlie Learned
From Brad:
- How to use State-Of-The-Art Technology To Attract Buyers Like a
- The Single Biggest Marketing Mistake Most Real Estate Agents
- The Importance Of Having A "Total Market" Picture To Get The Highest
- The Reason Why A Local CMA Neighborhood Market Analysis Isn't
- Why You Should Never Let A Real Estate Agent Just Set The Price Of
Your Home!
- Why It's So Important For Your To Learn, Firsthand, What Really
Causes Your Home To Sell!
- The Critical Importance Of Market Conditions And Timing To Squeeze
The Highest Price!
- Why Most Boring Real Estate Advertising Fails To Attract Telephone
Calls From Buyers!
- What Is The Right Kind Of Real Estate Advertising That Gets
Interested Buyers To Call!
- How To Avoid Wasting Precious Dollars Needlessly Fixing Up Your
- The Five Steps Of The Home Buying Process Every Seller Needs To
- The Three Things Every Buyer Wants To See In Your House Before
They're Willing To Buy!
- How To Use Little Known Advertising Techniques To Sell Your
- How To Get Buyers To Accept Your Price...Without Back-And-Forth
- Applying The Eight-Step System To Get Highest Price...Even In A
Tough Market!
After learning all these home selling secrets, and after putting
them to use, Donna and Charlie are happily carrying boxes into their brand
new home!
What Donna and Charlie learned was that there are
specific techniques that can be used to sell a home for the highest price
- on time. What Brad taught them is applied by fewer than one in a
hundred real estate agents. We can show you how to do it, too!
be happy to show you different options: how to sell your home yourself or
how to get Multiple Listing Service exposure to all REALTORS®. All you have to do is give my office
for a Free, No Obligation Home Price Evaluation/Brokers Price Opinion.
In our meeting, you'll learn specific
information about how to sell your home that isn't shared by the average
real estate agent - and you'll be very glad to learn it.
The Old
Fashioned Ways Of Selling Homes Just Don't Work Today!
don't need to hear a sales talk or a "Why We're So Great" story. What you
need is, "What Will Work, NOW!" You need precise ways of using today's
conditions to get your house sold… at the highest price the market will
And that's what you will get at our meeting. I will personally
show you how to apply these eight steps yourself, in the marketing of your
own home! When I'm done, you will have a choice that's entirely yours: if
you like what you see, you can take the information you will learn and use it to sell your house without me, or you can use it with
me or any other agent getting paid a commission.
Why would I offer
to do this? Because I know what I'm doing.
As is the case in many
instances, you may want me to complete the eight steps for you. However,
THAT WILL BE YOUR DECISION. What I promise you is this: I will show you a
plan that will make more sense to you than anything you'll see from anyone
else about how to get your house sold for the highest price.
Last Thing Most "Traditional" Real Estate Companies Want You To Think
About Is Selling Your Home Yourself.
The truth is, sometimes
it's very appropriate to do so! Well...I hope this gets you
Whether any, or all, of this makes sense, you will
probably have some questions. Maybe lots of them. That's good! If I have
stimulated you to think about this, then I have done my job. Now, it's
time to do yours!
Please give us call while this is fresh on your
mind and you're feeling excited about the possibilities. Even if your are
skeptical (which is only natural), a free phone call can't hurt. The worst
you will do is spend a few minutes learning.
My Free Home Seller
Evaluation Gives You All The Facts!
At this one-of-a-kind
I'll share with you "inside secrets" that real estate agents and companies
have always kept to themselves while they tried to talk you into listing
with them. Here are just a few of the things you will discover:
- The single biggest marketing mistake made both by real estate agents
and for sale by owners. This single mistake costs many sellers $2,000 to
$4,000, sometimes more!
- The reason why a "CMA" (Comparative Market Analysis) of your local
neighborhood isn't nearly enough to sell a home for the top price in the
new year.
- The importance of having a Total Market Overview, a bird's eye view
of the entire market, and how it will help you get the highest price
possible for your home, in the shortest period of time.
- The 5 most important steps in making your home sell fast, at the
highest possible price.
- The critical importance of understanding market conditions and using
urgency and timing to obtain the highest possible price from buyers who
are comparing your home against other homes.
- Why most traditional real estate advertising costs far too much and
produces poor results.
- How to run simple 3 or 4 line classified ads to create a stream of
interested prospects.
- The little known "pricing secret" that gets more buyers to see your
- The 3 things every buyer wants to see in your house (or they won't
make an offer).
- How to get buyers to accept your price.. .without back-and-forth
- How to apply a strategic "8 Step Marketing System" to get the
highest possible price with the fewest possible problems.
If you're interested in learning these
strategies, please call Brad Korn & The Korn Team today at
816-224-KORN (5676) to reserve an appointment.
I'll be sharing these home marketing secrets with you because
I believe that by helping you save thousands - or tens of thousands of
dollars now, that in the future, if you ever do need or want the services
of a real estate professional, that I will be the professional of choice -
although you will certainly never be made to feel under any
So, again, give me a call at 816-224-KORN (5676) during the day if
you have any questions,
Sincerely yours, The Korn Team
Keller Williams Realty
Brad Korn
Real Estate Consultant
P.S. I promise to teach you this entire eight-step system
of home marketing that will save you thousands of dollars. Then, I'll
let you decide what's truly in you own best interest regarding the sale of
your home. If you decide to sell your home yourself, learning these eight
home selling steps is critical to getting the highest price in the
shortest possible time.
If your home is currently listed with
another broker, this is not a solicitation. I am prohibited from providing
additional information to you, unless you are released from your current
listing agreement.
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Copyright © 2001 The Korn Team & By Referral Only, Inc.