- Emotional appeal. Make sure your home looks, feels and smells
its best. You're competing with 900 to 1,200 other homes for sale.
Buyers buy on emotion… let your home be the cleanest, freshest and
cheeriest, and you'll have a much faster sale… at a higher
- Read my "How To Show Your Home" flyer very carefully. If your
home is logically a good value, but a buyer doesn't feel warm and
emotionally attracted to the home, it will not sell. Buyers buy on
emotion, not logic. You'll want lots of people to say or think, "Wow!
This is nice! I would like to live here!"
- Lots of light. For maximum effect, turn every light on, even
on a sunny day. Open all window shades. Clean your draperies and
curtains. Make sure your windows are spotlessly clean. Let the sun in
and keep those lights on. Leaving all your lights on for two hours costs
only 23 cents, and makes your home look larger and more
- Constant exposure. Your home won't sell unless buyers know
about it. To get top dollar, be sure to have your home repeatedly
exposed to qualified, ready-to-buy buyers. Some brokers charge you a
discount commission, then don't advertise your home. This is a mistake.
The $500 or $1,000 you save in commission is more than offset by a sale
price of $4,000 or $10,000 less than what you would have received if
your home had been properly marketed. Remember, buyers can't know about
your home unless you or your buyer has a marketing plan to ensure that
your home is brought to the attention of home buyers.
- Non-traditional advertising. 83% of buyers looking for a home
will find their next home with a real estate agent. Home buyers are
aware of their right to represented in a real estate transaction. Many
buyers aren't sure how much home they can afford and like the
assistance from a realtor, or they meet a realtor while searching for
a property and the realtor offers to represent them.
The Korn
Team realizes that the biggest group of buyers can be found working
with other agents. This means advertising and marketing in areas other than the
"Homes for Sale" classifieds or Sunday Open Houses in the Kansas City
- Education. First-time homebuyers are more likely to pay top
dollar for your home. If your home is in the first-time homebuyer price
range, make sure that your marketing program shows first-time buyers the
benefits of home ownership and how affordable your home is. Design a
marketing plan to get first-time home buyers to see the inside of your
- Aggressive Target Marketing. Lots of buyers will buy your
home for less than it's worth. The secret in getting top dollar is to
find a buyer who is perfectly "matched" to your home. Right now, there
are at least ten buyers who would love to own your home, can afford it,
and would pay a fair asking price… if only they knew about it! Some of
these buyers may not even be thinking of buying yet, but if they knew
about your home would love it! It takes a lot more than just a sign in
the yard and an ad in the paper to market a home effectively. Aggressive
target marketing will find those buyers!
- Create urgency. The Rule of Full Price states that if a buyer
feels the asking price is fair, and has sufficient sense of urgency, he
will pay the full asking price. Example: My weekly showings of my
listings to more than one buyer at a time creates a feeling of urgency.
Prospective buyers feel an "auction effect" because of other buyers
showing interest in your home at the same time. I have found that the
more buyers I can show your home to at the very same time, the higher
the feeling of urgency. The auction effect causes people to become more
excited and enthused about your home, thereby creating a sense of
competition and urgency which results in full price sales for 96.5% of
my clients.
This report has been prepared by Brad Korn & The Korn Team
note from Brad Korn:
I am not a salesperson, I am a marketer
of homes.
As a free service, I am happy to prepare a
Marketing Plan for your home. This Marketing Plan comes to you free
of charge, and without obligation. I'll show you the most cost-effective
places to advertise. I'll show you how to slash your ad costs, while at
the same time tripling your ad response. I'll actually prepare ads for you
that cost very little to run, and obtain results far out of proportion to
anything else you could try.
This Marketing Plan is yours to use
even if you sell your home yourself or list with another broker. It comes
with "no strings attached" and absolutely no selling.
Why do I do
this? Because I've found that helping people like you market their homes
for no obligation brings me even more business. When I help you,
you will tell your friends and associates about me. That brings more
business to me than I could ever attain by "selling." It's all part of my
personal philosophy of helping, rather than selling. I believe (and have
experienced) that the more people I help, the more business that comes my
So, please, feel free to call me without any commitment or
obligation. You can call me 24-hours a day at (816) 224-KORN (5676).
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